March Notes

I set myself a goal this year of writing a post each month to share my experiences, how it was, what I learned, and items that may have made it more special. I loved my January recap. It was raw and real, more vulnerable than anything I have shared before, and then suddenly, MARCH is ending and I don’t know when it even started.

I guess I didn’t account how busy you get when you decide to pack up everything you own and move.

Yup! I moved out of my beloved San Francisco, and well, I moved out of California! The state that has been my home for almost eight years, and the magic city that housed me for five. Needless to say it was bittersweet to leave the place that felt closer to home after moving out of my hometown, the place that saw me grow from a college girl to the woman I am now, and brought me so many special memories and friendships I will cherish for life.

But when you want change, not even nostalgia gets in the way.

I have been contemplating moving out since around November of last year. Aside from the weird routine that lockdown and working from home brought, I was feeling uneasy and disconnected from my place for a while and needed to switch things up. I explored all my options, “should I move apartments?” “should I move across the bay?” “what is really keeping me in the city?”, and after spending a few weeks floating around in different states I realized it wasn’t location, it was connection. I wanted to be in a place where I could build something. Build a home and a routine closer to people I love.

So, I made the decision and two weeks later I was seating on a plane flying out my lovely sf.

What a crazy couple of weeks! The way my brain works is by organizing and planing everything. I scheduled almost every hour of every day for two weeks to be sure I wasn’t missing anything. From work hours to packing and eating time, I had a fool-proof list of “things you are supposed to do when you are moving across the country”. Then, of course, life happens and things don’t always go according to plan, but let me tell you…

I learned more about myself and my mental state over the course of those two weeks that I had in the last 12 months.

Being patient and kind towards myself, detachment, win over procrastination, slowing down, taking one step at a time, and most importantly, asking for help. We are not alone, and help comes in different ways too. Understanding that I was and I am not alone was refreshing and calming throughout the move. The whole thing was challenging and exciting at the same time, and allowed me to see the city with fresh eyes, enjoying every corner, restaurant and coffee shop a little more.

I didn’t buy many things over these past couple of months. As you can imagine, packing and clearing out your things make you want to get rid of everything instead. But I did get a few items that made my days softer, nicer, easier and some I continue to wear and use on a daily.







I am excited to see what’s to come in this new adventure. I will keep you updated on the new location.

Thank you for reading!
