Skincare Update for the Summer

I’ve simplified my skincare over the last year and a half. Rosacea as an adult is no fun, so I am re learning what my skin likes and dislikes, being patient, and nourishing with supplements and all the good things. It’s a process with a learning curve for sure, a lot of very uncomfortable days, and trials and errors.

Summer is making wonders for my skin right now, but there are a few other things I do to keep my skin thriving

Switching moisturizers

I have been doing this for years! As the seasons change, so do our skin needs. There is nothing better that a good plump hydrated skin, it makes you feel youthful and healthy! With sensitive skin, however, this is something that can get challenging sometimes, and finding the right moisturizer is key for me to feel my best. Three things I look for are: Consistency, no fragrance, and ingredients. I focus on lighter moisturizers during the summer to keep my pores clear, no fragrance is key to avoid irritation, and I stay away from ingredients that can react with my sensitive skin.

Supplementing with seasonal and fresh foods

What we eat and our skin have a direct correlation. I do this throughout the year, but summertime makes it so easy with all the fresh options out there, from salads, to grilled everything, I focus on all the goodness that’s seasonally available for me to feel my best. I like to eat healthy fats to keep the inflammation away like salmon, avocados, using olive oil; berries are my favorite breakfast and snack honestly; all the leafy greens for good fresh salads; peppers, nuts, and spices like turmeric. I supplement my days with Omega 3 every morning and green tea in the afternoon for that afternoon pick-me-up.


Big fan. I recommend everyone I know to get one. It has changed my skin completely by just having one on my nightstand and using it every night. Humidity during the summer is making my skin very happy, but the A/C is not really agreeing with it, so the humidifier during this time of the year is a game-changer

Sun-kissed from the shoulders down

SPF 50+ at all times, and a hat to protect my face and neck from the sun. My face gets easily irritated so I try to keep it as away from the sun as possible. Also, I may not see it right away, but sun damage comes out in the form of dark marks and wrinkles. Sun freckles? Not for me.

Keep it simple

Minimal skin care products, minimal makeup, lots of water, and embracing the lightness of the summer time.

These are things I follow year over year and are sustainable over time. I know these work for me and my lifestyle and most importantly, they make me feel healthy, balanced and happy.