Athleisure to Stay Motivated

One of my New Year Ins was to commit to daily movement.

Over the last few years my exercise routine shifted significantly, from going to the gym every day at 5am, to at home workouts, yoga and mat pilates. I convinced myself that it was exactly what I needed, and even though it did serve its purpose for a while, at the end of last year I needed to move things around, to make changes in my routine.

So I joined a gym

I set up my outfit the night before, and I can certify that having a good outfit to workout in, something that makes you feel good about yourself and your body will definitely motivate you to wake up and get ready to go. So! I’ve compiled some of my favorite items, pieces that I already own and some on my wishlist, that if you are like me, these will make you look forward to your next workout. There are different price ranges, from Lululemon to Old Navy, so scroll around and enjoy shopping!

with love,