Leather Jacket

 What I'm wearing:

Jacket: hm (sold out! also liking

this one

too!) // Tee:


(other options




) // Jeans:

Abercrombie and Fitch

(on sale!!) // Heels: Zara (similar


) // Bag:

Tory Burch

(another option 


!) // Scarf:

Lucky Brand Jeans

I love a good leather jacket, but sometimes they can be a little pricy! I found the one I am wearing for less than $150 in HM, and I couldn't be more obsessed with it. I really like this one from Forever21, it looks good, has really nice quality, and looks more expensive than it really is!. For me, leather jackets give that "extra" touch to your outfit. It's a must have in your closet, you can't never go wrong with it!

Thanks for reading!


Hola! Me encanta una buena chaqueta de cuero, pero a veces tienden a ser un poco caras! Encontre esta en HM por menos de $150 y estoy completamente obsecionada con ella! Esta de Forever21 luce super bien, es de buena calidad y parece mucho mas cara de lo que realmente cuesta! Para mi, una chaqueta de cuero le da ese toque extra a tu look. Es como algo que necesitas tener en tu closet. No hay forma de equivocarse con ella!

Gracias por leer!

Besos, Esther.