Make it: A Twist to your Everyday Oatmeal

Hello Hello! As you probably know by now if you follow me on social media, I love oatmeal. I eat it almost every day as a breakfast, and even sometimes I am craving it at night. My base recipe is the one I gave you on

this post.

Its a family recipe and for me its the best, it can't never go wrong with that. So, I used that recipe as a base, and switched up the toppings, like peanut butter. Here's a little story: My sister told me long time ago that oatmeal with peanut butter was amazing. I am a creature of habit, sometimes I like to stick to things I know. So when she told me that peanut butter goes well with oatmeal it wasn't that appealing to me to be honest. 

Until one day, I decided to try it, and I've been obsessed since then.

Aside from the fact that I love oatmeal, sometimes people get bored of the flavor. Spicing up the toppings can make you love your oatmeal and never get tired of it. So here is the recipe!

For the oatmeal I used

this recipe

For the toppings:

1 tbs Kite Hill Vanilla Almond Yogurt


Chopped bananas

1 tsp of peanut butter

Drizzel of Clover Raw Honey

And voilà!

Let me know which toppings you like the most on your oatmeal! Check out my favorites bellow!

Thanks for reading!

