Summer is almost over, and with that comes start classes again and, in my case, a new job. Being this last week of "freedom" that I'll get, I was thinking on ways that I could really relax and decompress, to enjoy and make the best out of the free time I have right now. 

I might sound crazy, but I have so much free time I don't know what to do with it. 

I find myself just spending a lot of time laying on my couch thinking about things I have to do and not-really-doing-them, binge-watching tv shows and eating books like crazy. Not-fun, let me tell you. So, I sat myself down and decided to make of this week a true vacation... 

...although I am not going anywhere.

First tip I have for you guys is


We spend so-much-time on our phones, computers, any social media on our daily basis that we are all interconnected, which is cool, but all that information over saturate us and we don't even realize how harmful it is because we never actually rest. So a great way to decompress is actually leaving your phone inside, and go out and lay on the beach, talk to people (face to face, that's a thing!) or wherever you are, even on a staycation (like my case) going for a walk without your phone, or going to the park and tucking your phone inside your bag and enjoying the day will change the overall experience.

Tip numero dos,

Change up your Routine and Be Flexible

. Ok, I am low key OCD and I always like to have everything planned, but I find that when you try new things without worrying too much about following a plan it can actually be very joyful and even adventurous. 

Last tip,

Be Present

. This goes in hand with unplugging. Being on vacation includes enjoying and appreciating everything you are surrounded with, like the company of someone you care about, how nice is the smell of a candle, a nice meal, even the feeling of a face mask or a cozy sweatshirt. By being present we are assimilating little details that we might leave behind on our everyday life.

Decompress, and take a few days to break from all the craziness of daily routine.

I will leave all my favorite products to decompress and be mindful on vacation, even if you are doing staycation like me!

Thanks for reading!