
The holiday season is here people! That means we are in the busiest season of the year and we need to start our holiday shopping ASAP. My favorite part is actually the food, and spending time with people I love the most. That is the main thing, but I get really excited with the whole gift wrapping, and finding the perfect gift for everyone, and make everything cute and Christmasy. I am cheesy like that.

But we've all been there that is the day before Christmas and we haven't finished our holiday shopping, right? So, here is an idea that would help you (and me) to ease the struggle of finding gifts for everyone. I have pilled up a bunch of gift ideas for the entire fam, and I will share them over the next three Fridays before Christmas.

Let's start with the first list. I got inspired by my mom, and things that she would love, and I would love too ;). Delicate, feminine and elegant things. Anything for the best.

The count down for the holidays has officially begun! So don't fall behind with your shopping. Are you ready?

Thanks for reading beautiful people!