
Cold days are here, and I don't know about you, but my skin notices it right-away. It's like a thermostat. Whenever the weather gets a little drier and cooler, boom, patches all over my face. I come from a place where it is 100 degrees all year long, so I never had to deal with this before (or maybe I was young and didn't care about my skin that much). Long story short, about two years ago we spent the holidays in New York. Hard enough to say that my skin was disgusting. Peeling, the foundation looked terrible, my lips all dry. Absolute nightmare. So I researched and applied every recommendation I found on Google to improve my skin and set it up for cold weather. Some worked, others not that much. SO! Here is a list of tips and tricks that have worked for me since then, and you can start incorporating to prep your skin for the cooler weather ahead.

1. Meet Hyaluronic Acid, your new best friend. It's something our bodies naturally produce, but by itself its used on the skin to lock in the moisture. Find a rich moisturizer, and incorporate Hyaluronic acid serums, or you can also find all in one. Best of both worlds.

2. Incorporate essential oils to your routine, if you haven't. I talked about oils on this post. Oils help keep skin hydrated, reduce your pores and work as a perfect canvas for your makeup. Using a night time oil with retinol, coconut oil, grape seed, or even olive oil has made a huge difference in my skin. Honestly, my bathroom is starting to look like my kitchen pantry.

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3. Sunscreen all day long. If you still don't use sunscreen every day, go to a dermatologist and have them take a close up of your skin. You won't want to step out of your house ever-again. Its the biggest thing you can ever do for your skin. Sunscreen SPF 50 and above.

4. Toner sans alcohol. Alcohol strips out the essential oils your skin naturally produces, so
dry, cold weather + toner with alcohol= recipe for disaster.

5. Switch to cream makeup. When in New York, I switched to cream blush and never went back to regular powdered one. Honestly, I don't use powders at all. Having dry skin, and applying powder on top will make it worse. So ideally you want to look young and fresh and have a baby face right? Switching to cream makeup will give you the same look, but more dewy, and fresh.


Its about having your own skin but better, right?

As always, find all my favorites below!

Thanks for reading beautiful people!