Little Tweak On Your Mindset With These Books


I read a lot. Kindle books, audio books, you name it. But honestly, there is something about having an actual book in my hands that makes the whole experience better. I am into a lot of genres, but lately I've been enjoying books that make me think outside the box. Books that allow me to change old patterns of thinking that I didn't even know I had. I feel like there are a lot of changes going on lately, and these have a lot to do with how society is set and how these models need update, or are no longer acceptable.

Sometimes we start to feel uncomfortable with things that are familiar to us because our life is changing, our mind is changing, we are changing.

And recognizing that change is what will make us move forward, or not. Taking action takes more courage than it actually looks. Sometimes we know something is changing, but we are not willing to make any move, and decide to stay where we are because it is safe. But that doesn't take us anywhere, does it? We have to be willing to step out of that comfort zone we are in and being uncomfortable for a moment, but knowing that it will take us to the right place. It is a process, but not easy-breezy. It is what I've said on previous posts, working from the roots, instead of the ends. 

For that, let's get into the books:

10 Percent Happier by Dan Harris.
Easy and funny read. It touches the dark places of the human mind, and how we can make the little voice in our head shut up to find ease in our overwhelming life.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin S. Sharma.
Very inspiring tale that gives us a step-by-step approach to live a balanced, abundant and joyful life. Definitely stimulates and encourages us to make little but meaningful tweaks in our routines.


The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck by Mark Manson
Very stoic, yet comic approach to life. A light read I recommend to everyone. It is about finding what it is truly important to us, and getting rid of mindless distractions that exist nowadays and their effect in us.

The Clarity Cleanse by Habib Sadeghi, Do
Non fiction book about finding clarity. The author explains 12 ways we can find clarity in our life by "turning obstacles into healing and energizing opportunities" to develop our potential. Light reading that allows us to clean out past emotions that affect everything in our life, from the way we act, think and work, to our health.

48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene
Different from the other four books, this is a dense read. It was written a long time ago, and although it might seem outdated, all 48 laws are still applicable to this day. It is about finding the stoic perspective to each of them, with historical examples from the beginning of human kind. Very powerful book.


It is not an easy process, but it is beautiful. Let's work on us.

Thanks for reading!