A Healthy Spin on Pumpkin Bread


I didn’t experience seasons until I moved to San Francisco. Although it is always cold-ish here, I have to say Autumn and Winter are for sure my favorites. Maybe because I associate them with holidays and family gatherings, but when Autumn season hits I am ready to wear cozy sweaters, and scarves, and smell pumpkin spice everything everywhere.

Let’s be real, the main reason I love these seasons is because of the food. Who am I trying to fool.

I remember going grocery shopping and realizing it was Fall already because of the smell of pumpkin spice, and pumpkins and gourds everywhere. For me, the holidays start in October when you start prepping for the last months of the year. The weather and vibes are made for comfort food, the type of food that goes to your heart, and baking is a signature for the holidays.

So, of course, I wanted to bake a Pumpkin bread.

I had to find a recipe that would go along my lifestyle, and satisfy my sweet cravings in the afternoon. So I altered a traditional pumpkin bread recipe, and made it dairy free and sugar free, included all the good ingredients and, lots and lots of love. I took it to the office because it turned out to be SO GOOD that I would have eaten the whole thing by myself. The bread is so moist and fluffy no one guessed it was sugar free. This recipe can easily be altered to make it vegan or gluten free.
Check the notes below for details.

So, keep scrolling for the recipe.


For this recipe you will need:

  • 1/3 cup of melted coconut oil (to reduce the fat you can use applesauce instead. However, this recipe is pretty low fat already!)

  • 1/2 cup of granulated Stevia or Monkfruit (you can use the same amount for maple syrup, honey or coconut sugar if you prefer.)

  • 2 eggs

  • 1 cup of pumpkin puree

  • 1 cup of rolled oats

  • 3/4 cup of rice flour (I have been loving rice flour because of the texture it brings. If you are not a fan, oat flour or whole wheat flour are good alternatives)

  • 1/4 of almond milk or water

  • 1 and half teaspoon of pumpkin spice blend (I bought the pumpkin spice mix at Trader Joe’s, but if you don’t have that option mix 1/2 tsp of cinnamon, 1/2 tsp of ground nutmeg, 1/4 tsp of ground cloves and 1/2 tsp of ground ginger)

  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract

  • 1 tsp of baking soda

  • 1/2 tsp of salt

  • Chopped walnuts and pecans for sprinkling on top. (I also added a little of rolled oats)

Optional: Chocolate chips (will include it next time!!!)


  1. I like to separate the wet ingredients from the dry ingredients, so mix the coconut oil, eggs and vanilla extract together. Add the pumpkin puree, milk and vanilla and whisk everything to blend. Stir in the baking soda, spices, oats and flour until combined. You can add walnuts, pecans or chocolate chips for an extra texture.

  2. Pour the mixture into your previously greased pan and sprinkle the toppings.

  3. Bake for 55 to 60 minutes at 325 degrees Fahrenheit.



  1. Try to use the eggs, milk and water at room temperature to avoid the coconut oil from solidifying. If this happens, place the mixture next to the oven, or some place warmer.

  2. To make this recipe vegan: use maple syrup instead of honey, replace the eggs with 1/2 of applesauce or any other vegan egg replacement you like.

  3. To make this recipe gluten free: use gluten free rolled oats intead. Bob’s Red Mill’s brand has a bunch of gluten free flour options.

Our body is our house, we need to love and nourish it every day. If we don’t take care of it, where are we going to live?

All of my favorites are linked below! I also included some fall-inspired things I am loving lately.

Thank you for reading!