Sustainable life: Baby Steps


This is something I’ve felt very passionate about for quite some time. The impact our actions have over our body and our environment. From paying additional for bags at the grocery store and making compostable straws, to products with fewer cleaner ingredients that we can actually pronounce, everyone is trying to give back in some way. And maybe it will take us a little longer to adapt to a cleaner lifestyle, (believe me, switching to natural deodorant is not a walk in the park), but we can and we will. If we adapted before, we can adapt now.

That’s the magic of being humans.

It’s not about living in the woods with no WiFi or phones, eating what we produce and showering with handmade soaps (that sounds amazing to be honest), it’s about being conscious of our actions, and the small changes we can make in our life to improve our health, body, and the place around us.

So! Let’s start with the basics:


Plants purify the air. It’s not juju-magic or anything like that. Our homes are filled with little particles we bring from outside, or from opened windows. These are so small that our conscious self cannot detect them, but our body does. They charge the air of our spaces, and make us feel tired, drowsy and maybe even experience constant headaches! Plants reduce carbon dioxide levels, keep air temperatures down, reduce the levels of certain pollutants and airborne dust.

This means, a cleaner-lighter-stress free-house.

Get reusable ready.

Stack on reusable bags, and keep them close to your door so you don’t forget about them every time you go to the market. I also like to use them if I am going shopping. Instead of getting a bag in every store you go, carry a backpack or a reusable bag with you to put your new goodies in.

Another good idea is switching your plastics for glass. Straws, plastic bags and water bottles are all considered to be made out of single use plastic. This means that they are only used once before they are thrown away or processed for recycling, creating more waste. The good thing about glass is that most of them are oven proved, and they accumulate less bacteria than plastic. Getting your own water bottle to carry around is also a good idea. It saves you from getting two or three bottles of water at the store a day. Contrary of popular belief, having a reusable straw is not that complicated. Most of them come with their own cleaner brush, we just have to put in the time to clean them. A good option are bamboo straws because of its antibacterial properties, or glass or metal.

With small changes like these ones, You are not only helping the environment, but avoiding clutter in your house

Cleaner beauty

It’s all about the ingredients. These products are made of both synthetic and natural ingredients known to be safe and efficacious. FYI, not all natural ingredients are safe, and not all synthetics are unsafe, so brands focus on creating products without toxic ingredients linked to harmful health effects from skin-irritation and hormone disruption, to cancer. These include parabens, phthalates, PEGs, ethanolamines, chemical sunscreens, BHT, BHA, among others.

Easy as if you can’t pronounce it, you don’t want it in your body.


And the list goes on. There are many other things we can pay attention to when switching up our lifestyle like cruelty free products, fair trade, sustainable fashion and buying second hand items, buying organic, among others. We are all fighting the same battle, it doesn’t matter if you are team reusable bag, or clean beauty. The important thing here is that we are doing something for our health, and our planet.

We are showing with our example that every effort, even if small, matters.

As always, find all my favorite products linked below!

Thank you for reading!!