I love food: Sweet potatoes


I went on a downward spiral on why I kept writing posts on the blog, where do I wanted to go with it, what I really want to do, a whole process of self discovery that I haven't yet figure it out, but 

when in doubt, food is always a good idea

So I decided to start cooking, and baking, and trying out some of the thousand recipes I have pinned on Pinterest, grabbing one of the cooking books I like to collect and actually picking a recipe to cook.

I noticed how I was waiting to have people around to finally make dinners, and desserts, and that was just letting life go through me without me actually going through life.

And don't get me wrong, sometimes it can be a little discouraging to cook on a week day for one, but why should I wait for an "special moment" to cook something? What is a special moment anyways?

So it was through smells and flavors of my favorite dishes that started nourishing my creativity again, and everything started with this sweet potato recipe. Basically I was hungry around 9pm on a week day, and the only thing I had was a sweet potato in my fridge, and that was pretty much it. I am not a take out person, it gives me sort of anxiety having to wait for food. Like I don't know what to do with the time between I order the food, and it is delivered, so basically that is rarely an option for this household.

SO! here is the most random yet delishhh sweet potato recipe. You can make it as a side dish, or just like I did, have it by itself.

1 sweet potato
Salt and pepper
Butter (or you can use olive oil)
Cream cheese
Parsley for garnish

Preheat the oven to 410 Fahrenheit. In a bake sheet, place the sweet potato, add salt, pepper and butter (or olive oil). Once the oven is ready, bake it for 30 to 40 minutes, or until tender. When ready, add the cheese and the parsley to make it pretty. Aaand that is it. The easiest recipe ever, and taste amazing.

Sometimes is good to go back to our basics to remember why we are doing things, for me is food.

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