Summer Carbs: Salmon Plate for one.


The golden season is here: Summer. The magic thing about it is that everyone, without even noticing it, is happier, brighter and energetic. Even if it’s winter where you are, there is something about July and August that screams — freedom — Of course, the world doesn’t stop because summer is here, if you are already graduated school you know the drill: we still have to wake up early to go to work, and routine well, it’s routine right? 

Routine is what save us when we are lacking motivation.

Even if you are on vacation. Setting a routine that you can carry along when the schedules varies is important. Like brushing your teeth, it doesn’t matter what day of the year is it, you will still brush your teeth, its something we do automatically without even thinking. So the same applies to eating well. One of my keys to stay on track is finding the healthy alternative to the junk food I love, to understand that having a balance is key to keep my routine even when on vacation. Its all about getting your body used to a better lifestyle, and slowly it will crave it.


That doesn’t mean you have to eat boring meals.

Specially during summer that we crave fresh and fun meals, I found this recipe so simple and fast. Pairing a low starchy veggie with greens and a super clean source of protein, sounds like the perfect yummy plate to keep us full for a long time. 

For the recipe you will need:

  • 1 salmon fillet
  • Half sweet potato for the sweet potato fries (ugh who else is obsessed?)
  • Any type of greens, I chose green beans to bake them along the sweet potato fries, but you can switch for broccoli florets, or even do a green salad with spinach or kale and some fruit. (Check out this summer salad recipe here.)
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Sesame seeds
  • Coconut oil
  • Lemon juice

I love salmon because it is so easy to make. For this one, prepare the salmon with salt, pepper, sesame seeds, and add the juice of one lemon. For the sweet potato fries, chop half of the sweet potato in spears, give it a coat with coconut oil and salt. Preheat the oven at 425 degrees, and place both the salmon, and the sweet potato fries and bake for 15 minutes. For the greens, depending on what you choose, the green beans take up to 10 minutes to bake in a pan filled with a little bit of water, or saute with olive oil and salt for a more crispy consistency. 

And thats pretty much it!! The key to be successful is choosing a routine that works for our lifestyle and that is easy to get back to it without too much effort.

Again all my kitchen faves are linked below!
Talk to you soon,