Apple Cider Vinegar: The Why and the How


One of the first things I do in the morning religiously is taking a shot of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV). Although is very strong and harsh for everyone, it is one of the most efficient ways to start up your day and your digestion.

Be aware is acid, very acid.

It’s not a walk on the park, but aside for its versatility, that varies from salad dressings to toner for your skin, ACV has tons of health benefits and it is highly popular these days. A question that kept popping up on my direct messages was “why do you drink it?”. So here is the WHY and the HOW I take ACV for all my readers out there.

Reasons WHY I take ACV every morning:

Good quality organic, unfiltered ACV contains amino acids and antioxidants
The main substance is acetic acid, and can potentially kill harmful bacteria or prevent them from multiplying. This improves your digestive system.
Lowers Blood sugar levels because it improves insulin sensitivity during a high carb meal.
Helps reduce belly fat.
ACV also has various other uses like face toner to deep clean your pores and detoxifying your skin, improves oily skin, and helps with acne, breakouts and pimples because it reaches deep inside your pores and kills bacteria super fast.


HOW to use ACV:

The most effective way for me has been taking it every morning with an empty stomach. You have to keep in mind that not every digestive system is the same, and for some acidic stomachs pure ACV might be too strong. I would recommend diluting it in water and drink it as a beverage. You can add it to your warm water and take it warm in the mornings, or here is one of my favorite drinks to sip on during the day:

2 tbs of ACV
1 lemon/lime
About 250ml of sparkling water (still water also works)
Any sweetener of your taste (I use Stevia)

Another way to incorporate ACV to your diet is as salad dressings. This is a super easy salad dressing I love:

One tablespoon of olive oil
One tablespoon of mustard
A tablespoon of raw honey (you can also use Stevia)
About a tablespoon of ACV

Uses for your skin can be as a face toner great for oily skin, and acne prone skin.

1 part of ACV
2 parts of water
and applying it with a cotton pad.

Another skin favorite is a detox treatment mask. It’s very astringent, but clean your pores and brightens the appearance of your skin like nothing else.

Any clay mask
1 tbs of ACV.


It is recommended to use organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with the “mother”, which is strands of proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria that give the product a murky, cloudy appearance. As always, everything in moderation. ACV is safe as long as we don’t go overboard and take excessive amounts.

“Your health is what you make of it. Everything you do and think either adds to the vitality, energy and spirit you possess or takes away from it” Ann Wigmore

Thank you all for the love always!