The Perfect Healthy Cinnamon Rolls


This time at home has made me very creative in the kitchen. I bake mostly to clear my head, but won’t lie by saying I am not enjoying all the sweets. One of the things of being at home is that I try to keep it sugar free, dairy free and everything that could be a temptation, specially in the afternoons.

So even if I wanted to make the real version with all the sugar and dairy and gluten there is, I couldn’t.

The recipe turned out pretty pretty well, better than I expected to be honest. The coconut and monkfruit sugar really did the trick. I have never made an actual bread-like dough with oat flour before, and the combination with rice flour and the yeast makes it feel almost like the real thing. It takes patience, but it is soooo worth it.

Here is what you’ll need,

For the dough:

  • 1 1/4 cups of cornstarch

  • 1/2 cup of oat flour

  • 6 tbsp of rice flour

  • 1 tsp of salt

  • 2 tsp of yeast

  • 6 tbsp water

  • 3 tbsp honey (you can use maple syrup)

  • 2 tbsp unsweetened oat milk (if using sweetened milk, I would skip the honey)

  • 3 tbsp of coconut oil, melted

  • 2 large eggs

For the filling:

  • 4 tbsp of coconut oil, softened.

  • 4 tbsp Coconut sugar

  • 1 tbsp Monkfruit sweetener

  • 1 tbsp ground cinnamon

For the frosting:

  • 1/2 cup of Monkfruit powdered sweetener

  • 2 tbsp unsweetened coconut or oat milk

  • Vanilla extract


  1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees F, once done turn off the heat. This is for the buns to rise before baking.

  2. Mix all the dry ingredients, the cornstarch, oat flour, rice flour, salt and yeast.

  3. Warm up the water, and mix it up with your wet ingredients, syrup, milk and coconut oil. A quick tip on the water, I heat it up on the microwave for 30 seconds. Basically you want it to seamer, but you don’t want it to boil. Water too hot will kill the yeast, and the rolls won’t grow. Add the wet ingredients with the dry ingredients, and mix it up with the eggs. The dough will be soft and sticky.

  4. Knead the dough in an floured surface until everything is even and together. You will need to keep adding flour or cornstarch to the surface so the dough doesn’t stick. It’s simpler than it sounds. Hear me out, just knead for 3-4 minutes, not too long or they won’t be as soft!

  5. Spray the bowl you were mixing everything together with cooking spray and place the dough back in, and let it rest for 10 minutes, and it’s time to make the filling.

  6. In a small bowl, mix together the coconut oil, coconut sugar, monkfruit and cinnamon. Once the 10 minutes have passed, take the dough out and roll it on a lightly floured surface again to a rectangle. Spread the filling all over the dough. Roll up the dough very tightly, and cut into buns.

  7. Spray the baking dish you’ll be using with cooking spray (or butter, or coconut oil, or whatever you have), and place them in the heated oven for two and half, three hours. I know it’s long, but time flies believe me. It will make the cinnamon rolls be amaaaazing.

  8. Once risen, remove them from the oven, and heat it up to 375 degrees F. Bake them for 20-22 minutes until they are slightly golden on top.

  9. While the buns are baking, whisk together the powdered sugar, vanilla and milk for the frosting.

  10. Pour the glaze over once they are out and voila!