What I'm Reading this February

Sharing my current reads this month. I have been taking the time to go back into reading more on the daily. I get caught up with work and my phone most of the day, and even during my free time, I spend it scrolling down on social media. I noticed that when I read more I sleep better, I am more aware and able to concentrate more.

I have my own niche of books I enjoy. It’s a mixture of motivational self help books along thrillers and historical novels, makes sense? I love an inspiring read in the mornings, and a good novel in the evenings. Also audio books! They work so well when I need the extra minutes in the mornings. I also like to listen to books while I work out or get ready in the mornings.

I am consciously choosing what to do with my time, instead of just randomly living on auto mode.

The easiest thing for me is to grab my phone, I do it mindlessly even. So I am re wiring myself to make better decisions, re build my habits. I started reading Think Like A Monk after listening to a Goop podcast episode with the author, Jay Shetty, and read Pachinko over the weekend.

I am sharing my list below!