My Summer Skin Care Guide


My skin gets sensitive during the Summer time. The increase in temperature definitely catches my skin off guard sometimes. Like I do during Winter, I update my skincare routine for the Summer months as well to make sure it stays healthy and glowing all year long.

My skincare gets just like my wardrobe, lighter.

First, SPF SPF SPF. Shocker, right? Days are longer, some sunnier than others so I make sure to always apply a good amount of SPF 40+. It’s the most important, don’t-leave-home-without-it step in my routine. Pro Tip: don’t forget your hands, ears and décolletage!

Second, I switch my cleanser for a gentle, foaming option. The heat and humidity can definitely take a toll on my pores, so switching the heavier cleanser I use during cooler months helps my skin feel fresh and lighter. I am sharing a good selection of cleansers I love below

Third, Skincare Dieting. When the weather is warmer, having a simpler routine makes all the difference. A good cleanser, a good moisturizer and SPF and good to go. I like to switch my moisturizer from cream to gel if it’s very humid outside. Less is more during the summer for sure!

Fourth, I love a good exfoliation. I have been very very into exfoliating my skin, both face and body. Gets rid of all the dead skin and bumps, leaving it super soft. Aside from the mitt, I like to use my acids at night to open up blocked pores and sooth stressed out summer skin. They make all the difference.

and last, room temperature, fresh water is best for my skin when I am washing my face or taking a shower. Hot water dries out the skin faster, constantly feeling I need to over moisturize. At first, it was hard to take cooler showers in the morning, but then you get used to it and there is nothing better than that!

Thank you for reading!
