April Diary

The first month after the big move. I had already spent so much time outside the city that actually, it didn’t feel any different. At times, being floating around living a nomad life hits my Taurus nature, specially when I was already settled and had my own apartment and routine.

But I am taking it day by day and enjoying the process.

I think what resonated with me the most this month was gratitude and what it compiles. Gratitude for my body, my ability to navigate change and obstacles, and for the power of starting fresh. Once I made the decision to move, everything started lining up to make it happen. Sometimes the storm needs to pass for us to notice and be grateful, and although I am not in my final destination yet, I look back at March and April and I think “WOW”.

When you pay attention to the good and have gratitude for what you have, things keep getting better and better.

April helped refocus my attention to what I want to build and be. Setting up a routine, finding workouts that made me feel good and going back to cooking and enjoying nourishing and delicious recipes. I feel like I am slowly shedding parts of me that were no longer working to open space for this new adventure. Letting go. And it’s an art, not a science. Some days it’s easy, some others not so much.

I’ve discovered that living out of a suitcase doesn’t really prompt you to buy anything, shocking! All my shopping attention has been deviated to homeware and decor, making Pinterest boards daydreaming of what my next apartment would look like. Since I have to wait a little longer for those, I’ve filled my shopping gap with a few purchases here and there, keeping the warmer days ahead in mind. I adventured into some colors outside my palette of basics, loving a monochrome look at the moment, and athleisure has been my go to during the week. The change of locations and weather has my skin acting up a bit these past couple of months, so I’ve been just focusing on moisturizing and healing it. I got a few books I am excited to read on my kindle (still loving it. I find it so useful for the lifestyle I am having right now!), and some audiobooks I cannot wait to incorporate to my daily life.

So here is a roundup of my favorites!




That’s pretty much it! Thank you for reading and let’s see what May brings.
