Closing 2022 and The First Month of 2023 - The Recap

I guess I can start this post by saying I officially moved to NYC?! It still sounds surreal to be honest. The last quarter of the year was full or adjustments, lifestyle changes and challenges, but end up being one of the biggest seasons of my life.

It’s when you are at your lowest, when all the doors you are opening seem to be closing, that you see a silver lightning

Let’s go back to September when I first moved to NYC. You know when you have everything planned out and then nothing goes according to that plan? Well, that was pretty much it. I had a suitcase and a half for what I thought was going to be a month, that then turned into three of sleeping in an inflatable mattress in my sister’s living room, going to the office and non stop scrolling on the internet to find an apartment within my budget that I could call home.

It May not sound like the worst scenario to be in, but made me question absolutely every decision I had ever made in my entire life.

“I had an apartment in San Francisco, I was far from everyone but hey, I had a life right?” “Why did I move if I had it all” . Well, when they tell you to listen to your gut, just do it. Right before flying back to spend the holidays with my family, a reminder on my phone goes off and it’s about a tour I had scheduled for an apartment. Not expecting much, I go during my lunch time, and the moment I opened the door of that unit I said out loud “This is it”. And this time it worked. All paperwork was available, the application process was seamless, and I had an apartment by the time I was coming back to the city after the break.

I am able to see this now from a different perspective than when going through the entire process, of course. I guess this is one of the reasons I love these monthly entries on the blog. I can go back and see everything with a different set of eyes. This process showed me how much love and support I have from people in my life, some that I wouldn’t have ever thought of. I learned so much about myself and how I react to situations, how to try to channel my emotions in a positive way, how to be more nurturing and loving towards myself.

I would say one of the biggest lessons I learned during this period was to trust

To trust the process, to trust that everything is working out, to trust myself. Knowing that everything is ok because I have me and I have the capacity to resolve and do anything I want in life, I just have to believe it. It is that switch in our mindset that makes all the difference. Seeing the glass half full, finding the positive in the middle of the chaos, and letting go. Once I said “it’s going to be fine, everything is going to get here in the right time and at the right moment”, there was my silver lightning.

To remember that Time works in mysterious ways, always in our favor

And we just have to wait with patience, love and kindness. I believe we go through things that are needed for our growth. We may not see it right there in the moment, but when we look back sometimes we are lucky enough to recognize those lessons. As for me, I am still adjusting, finding the rhythm of things. We don’t have furniture yet haha so for the first month in our apartment we have been eating on the living room floor, and I am loving every single part of it. I am excited for February, for this year, for everything that is coming, and I hope you tag along for the ride!

I am including the Reflection Forms for 2023 below. I shared them last year as well, and I loved the feedback from you guys. It’s never too late to set your head straight on what you want to leave behind and accomplish this year, we are just starting!

with love always,