Checking in: Wellbeing During Mid-Winter Days

It’s during these days, in the middle of Winter, right after the joy and lights of the holidays, the family visits and the delicious food, that the weather gets to us. The naked trees moving along the windy and crispy air, 4pm sundowns, cloudy days, maybe rain or snow, maybe both. Comments on the weather are the conversation starters of preference, we go back to our routines, and the motivation to get out of bed from under the cozy and warm blanket is zero to none.

January has a bad reputation

I personally believe January has its purpose, there is a reason why it is how it is. As someone who genuinely enjoys how quiet this time of year is and have learned to love the darker, easier days instead of counting down to Spring, there are a few things I like to put in practice. Hopefully, you will find them helpful as well.

First, embrace slow living

I have come to realize that in those moments of silence, when there aren’t a lot of plans going on, when you spend time with yourself and away from all the voices, is when we find clarity. The year starts with us and our giant list of things we want to accomplish. Slowing down centers us. On a personal note, I use this time to recharge, to wear warm and fuzzy socks on the couch with a blanket and a book or the show of the moment, snuggling with my little family.

Look for all the things that are only available throughout this time

We try to have a “Pancake Sunday” at least once a month. My sister comes over, or we go over her house and spend a Sunday making pancakes and watching movies. This started on a very very cold day last January.

With this I say, make an effort to acknowledge the unique traits we have around this time of the year. An abundance of seasonal products for warm and comforting meals. Fire places. Hot chocolate and warm drinks. Soft knits and beautiful coats. Flurries suddenly making their way down on your dog walk. The sun on a crispy cold morning. Notice the positive, the pretty. Even when it’s gray and wet, use it as an opportunity to stay in, make delicious food for people you love, or order in! Consciously look out for hidden gems that we tend to overlook.

Start something for you

Commit to something for yourself. Whether is embracing a new routine, starting yoga, signing up for a gym membership, running, or maybe journaling, reducing expenses, eating better or meditating, use this time to start. It gives you a sense of purpose, something to work towards, keeps you motivated and it helps establishing priorities and new habits for the rest of the year. Find this thing you want for yourself from a place of love and grace. Not beating you up for not doing it, but having compassion towards yourself and where you are, and where and how you want to be and feel.

and lastly, going outside daily

So easy to forget specially when it’s freezing cold. My default is to stay in. If it wasn’t because of my dog and my husband, there would be times I wouldn’t get outside at all. I love my house, but going for a walk always, always, makes me feel better than if I had stayed in. On good days, and specially on the not so good ones, when it’s hot and even when it’s cold, fresh air and nature always have something to show us and to teach us.

with love,