Opening the Book to 2024

A clean slate. Looking ahead with hope.

January and its feeling of newness. Beginnings. Slow mornings, snug evenings on the couch. Not even worrying if we stay in and have no plans. Cashmere beanies, leather gloves, lip balm to keep dryness away. Soft knits, candle lights, soups and creams, warm blankets.

2023 pulled the rug from under my feet. It pushed me in every way possible; spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally. Looking back, I don’t know how I would have made it through some of the toughest moments without this feeling of enormous gratitude for having such a loving support group of family and friends that made me see, every day, how precious life is.

This time last year I had just gone through my cross country move with all the pains it involved. It was a very challenging time, and I remember thinking “wow, I am so happy this is finally over”, and oh boy was I wrong. Change is a constant, and it hits harder when we resist it and get too comfortable in our own ways and routines.

and sometimes we are forced to move from that place of comfort, otherwise maybe we wouldn’t have moved at all.

With sudden change comes discomfort, constantly needing to adjust, questioning, a level of mourning as well. A myriad of feelings getting experienced all at once at times. But with change, we grow. I am stepping into the new year from a place of gratitude, humility and openness, choosing to be more present than ever, and enjoying every season of my life. I am taking this moment to pause, to take all the lessons from last year and commit to my goals from a place of rest and clarity, without rush.

I use these forms every year to walk me through what I want to focus on and work on the year ahead. I hope you find them useful as I do.

Happy New Year!
with love,
