Productivity in 2016

Hustle Mug


White Boxes


Hustle Print


2016 Agenda (similar)


2016 Planner


Marble base Lamp


Pineapple Clips


Gold Scissors


Clear Stapler


Acrylic Tape Dispenser


Gold Pencil vase


Clear Tray

Lets talk about Productivity, shall we?

We are already in April, the year is going by


For the ones who set goals at the beginning of the year (I sure did), this means that we literally have to


to get things done because every year that goes by seems like things are moving faster and there are more distractions that impide us from doing what we need to do.

I am all about productivity these days. I've read books, listened to audiobooks, followed people on social media, everything related to being productive in order to learn about it and become a

productivity hacking queen


This is key to success, I tell you people. Technology is constantly improving and it is sure bringing to the table tons and tons of new opportunities, but with opportunities comes


So, you will want to go the extra mile.

For that, along with the information I've being collecting for the past couple of months, I have some essentials that have being life changing for studying, papers and homework from school and for finishing orders from


Desk supplies don't have to be boring. There are hundreds of cute options these days that are functional and also look real pretty on your desk. I am all about neutral clean colors and pastels when it comes to decor. These colors make the space look more fresh and spacious, and for your working space specifically, they help to avoid getting distracted. 

Talking about


, it is important to keep your working space clean and organized. When you work your brain look for things to get distracted and make you procrastinate, so get

plain boxes

 (I love white, so white boxes yes please!) and use them for storing your notebooks, notes, books and other things in them. Also, I have a thing for trays.

Clear trays

give the space a chic sophisticated look without being too overwhelming. You can store important things or papers you constantly need. Storing things away and having a neat working space have made my life so much easier, I know where things are, and I don't have them everywhere, making me go nuts.

Next, I am a huge fan of


. Even though technology has made this easier and now you can type everything on your Google Calendar, or on your phone, being the creature of habit that I am, I need to write stuff down somewhere and check them later, otherwise I will completely forget about them. That being said, if you are like me, I totally encourage you to get a planner, create the habit of writing down everything you need to do and check on it every day so you are up to date with the things you need to get done.

Reading books and having all the tools to do your work is great, and there is always the satisfaction after of reaching your goals, but it is not like I am always thrilled to sit for hours getting things done. For that, what I think is the most most important of all this, is


. My goals are what motivate me everyday to do what needs to be done, but sometimes I need something extra. Having nice


with motivational quotes close to my desk where I can see them helps me a lot to stay focus on my tasks. These are normally things that inspire me and that I can associate something with. For example, this


print is a constant reminder of working hard to get where I want to get in life, and like this one there are plenty to choose from. It can be a photo, or an article, or someone you admire. Only remember to get the one that truly inspire you.

Thank you so much for reading!!

Let mw know in the comments bellow what are some of your productivity hacks so I can know more!

