Fresh Monday Starts Now!

Photo credit: anniskk

Ok so, probably one of your new years resolutions was getting in shape, start a healthy diet or something like that, and probably you are either having trouble sticking to the plan or, most like it, you haven't even started.

Lets be honest and real, we all have been there and done that. But what you have to change is not your diet, or your daily routine, you have to change your mindset and the rest will come.

I recently listened to Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich on Audible (love Audible, its great when you are on the go all the time), and completely changed my notion on how to look at things differently, including healthy eating and lifestyle.

I started having a "healthy" routine around two years ago. I workout everyday, try to eat healthy during the week, and binge during most of the weekends. I am happy with it, and everyone can say that it is ok because I normally stick to the plan. However, it gets hard sometimes when you want that Nutella Crepes in the afternoon, or you rather eat a bowl of ice cream instead of going to the gym and eat chicken and arugula afterwards (although I really like arugula). Most of the people I talk to about switching their eating style complain about not being able to eat certain things, having to quit to Double Chocolate Frapuccinos, french fries or bread, sounds familiar?

Change the way you look at it. Of course its hard, it is not something you overcome in one night, but it will totally be worth it. Instead of focusing on the things you have to quit on, Mike Cernovich explains that you should focus the things you can eat. 

Eat your veggies, don't buy junk food. Avoid temptations. ~Mic dropped.

There are hundreds of healthy recipes these days, its 2016! A lot of people have done the research for us about what is healthy and what is not so we could have it easier. There are books, magazine articles, blogs and apps full of this information, we only have to go to our browser and type in "healthy recipes" and a whole display of options will pop up. Fruits like Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and all the other berries, citrus such as oranges, limes and lemons, are rich in vitamin C that would boost your metabolism, your immune system and they work as a detox for your skin. Have you heard of "An apple a day keep the doctors away" ?, apples are another source of vitamins, their skin is full of fiber that helps your digestive system and your muscles. Bananas are great source of potassium and they're super sweet so are the perfect mid-afternoon snack. Quit those myths about not eating fruits because they have a lot of glucose. Fruits are good, very good.

Same happens with vegetables. We are not kids anymore, its time to eat them and like them. Vegetables have innumerable benefits that go from working as detox for your system to help you with anxiety during the day. Greenies are the best, they made great salads as well as sides, and are rich in micronutrients that your body normally needs.

The key to be successful in this is understanding all the options that you have to eat, and avoid thinking on the food you are quitting on. Its changing your mindset about the way you eat that will make all the difference.

Stay tuned every Monday!
