Off The Shoulder Everything

Off the shoulder blouse:

option 1


option 2


option 3

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Flare Jeans





On a previous post I talked about some trends I was loving lately, including Off the shoulder tops. But thinking about it, I've been loving off the shoulder everything lately. What do I mean with that?

Take everything off your shoulders, tops, bags, backpacks, worries, hair, everything.

I constantly catch myself (and this is something that everyone goes through on a daily basis) thinking about the things I have to do, about not having enough time to do them, what I am supposed to do after I graduate, etc, etc, etc. I get overwhelmed with all those thoughts because we are supposed to think about our future, right?

But constantly thinking about it does us any good. Its important to have goals that we want to reach, and it is normal that we get concern when something gets a little more difficult, but in order to achieve all those goals, and be healthy to enjoy them we need to

stop worrying and start living

(that's a book by the way, great one by

Dale Carnegie

). During your day, dedicate at least an hour for leisure. A time where you can stop doing what you are doing and dedicate it to yourself. Include in your agenda time for you to rest, as you do for other activities. 

Something I started doing recently is Meditation. I am a very impatient human being. When I want things, I want them for


. That would cause my levels of anxiety to reach crazy high levels and I would have a very bad time. I thought about meditation as something that would slow me down, right? How, with all the things I have to do, am I going to be able to sit for 15 minutes to think about my breath, and nothing else?

Well, coming from this anxious freak, Meditation actually made my life better.

What it does is that it slows you down. It keeps you focus on your target. I find it a great way to start your day because it clears your head and sets the tone. You actually perform better, and feel less tired throughout the day. For me it is important to start my day on the right path, to have a clear mind of what I have to do and how I can achieve it, and meditating helps with that. It doesn't have to be perfect. Sometimes we have so many expectations about how it is supposed to feel, or how we are supposed to feel afterwards that we get away in the process. Meditating isn't about getting rid of thoughts, but learning how to be at eased with them. So, leave everything else aside for 10 to 15 minutes, and understand what is going on within you.

Go and give it a try! I read once that "the only bad meditation is the one that you don't do".

Stay tuned!

