Coming Back To The Basics


Paige denim jeans

. Also loving:




, and

this one

Basics are not always boring, or simple. Having that place to go back to, that plain t-shirt you like to wear just because, or that first sip of coffee you take at the same time every morning that you enjoy most are basic things we have in our lives that, some way or another, fill us with joy and make us feel confortable. They give us a sense of self that other things can't.

I call it being in my own skin

In this case is 

white shirt, jeans and sneakers

. Don't you love when you find the perfect pair of jeans that you love everything, and when I say everything, is 


 about them? Maybe I am way too conscious about what I wear, but I am all about being confortable and feeling myself a hundred percent of the time.

And sounds a little bit too romantic, but lets get real here, we all have them right? For some its probably part of a predetermined routine they have been doing for years, for others, like me, it is a scape from the busy and crowded world we live in. It is very easy to get caught up with work, school, overall things that we have to do everyday, and having those minutes of self awareness are pretty much what keeps us going. 

Like owning the perfect pair of jeans!

