Good Fats: Avocado Pudding

Ok, there are millions of ways to make avocado pudding all over the internet, especially since Kourtney Kardashian started to have it. The truth is that it tastes really good and makes you feel full. I take it as a mid-morning snack, or before working out. Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, and actually encourage fat burning during the workout. They are full of vitamins like Vitamin E, B6, K and C, as well as Potassium, a small amount of Magnesium, Phosphorous and Vitamin A. Avocados don't contain any sodium, are low in saturated fats and are loaded with fiber. 

So yes, Avocados are great.

Here comes the recipe, it is super easy and quick to make!

Half avocado

Half a cup of Almond milk

One teaspoon of vanilla

Any sweetener that you prefer. (I use


, or


because its plant based, you know, healthier.)

Place everything in a blender and mix. I like to add




and berries to give it a little extra flavor, but it tastes really good by itself!

Let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading lovelies

