Layering On and Off.

The cooler days are here, and San Francisco is not an exception. With the micro-weathers the city has, I find myself taking off and putting back on any jacket or sweater I am wearing, and it is a never ending story. Sometimes I can't even barely move with all the clothes I have on, but the good thing about layers is that you can take anything off if you are feeling too hot, or put everything back on if you're cold, and that applies to everything, not only clothes. As the year is almost to an end, we have to start setting out grounds for the next one to come.

So, lets get really deep here today.

We constantly are building up who we are. We add layers to ourselves to avoid certain things that affect us, and thats normal. There are things in life that suck, and we can't prevent them from happening. These situations lead us to a state of mind that is far from the ideal and that we desperately try to avoid with these bunch of layers. We feel depressed, stressed, anxious and we are a river of emotions flowing down (at least I am). 

And that's a problem. 

When we let emotions control our behavior it not only affects us, but everything we do. Even if we want to stop things from happening there will always be something that will impact us in some negative way. But life goes on, and our jobs go on, and school goes on and we simply can't let emotionality take power over us.

This is called mental toughness

Being mentally tough is being able to face problems and stressful situations with a serene and eased mind. Its not avoiding them, is understanding them and understanding the effect they have on us. Its understanding our body and our needs. Being mentally tough is going through each one of the layers we have built ourselves with to get to these emotions that are affecting us, and letting them go. 

Of course, like everything, this is easier to be said than to be done. 

So the first thing is to 


to prepare your mind. As you know I basically read anything that is out there, so I read a book called

Unbeatable Mind

by Mark Divine. It teaches you how to achieve mental toughness, self-development and strength in your thinking. Haven't you notice that we, as humans, let our own emotions control us and what we do and are, instead to be the other way around? Having power over the way certain things make us feel will change the way we live, don't you think?

Its like setting ourselves free.

Outfit details:

Zara faux fur jacket

 // Black culottes similar 






// Black Fedora similar


 // Turtle neck bodysuit




 // Heels are old, but


, and


are other cute options.

Thanks for reading!

