Fresh: Say Hi to the Best Green Detox Smoothie

Green juices or Smoothies are not for everyone. The color itself is an indicative for some people that I would probably taste terrible. Don't get me wrong, I am a big BIG fan of green juices, but sometimes they're not people's first choices when it comes to picking something that tastes good for them.

For this, I want to share the best Green Smoothie I've had 


1 banana

4 or 5 chunks of pineapple

A handful of greens (I use kale or spinach)

Almond milk (my favorite is

this one

, is only water and almonds, nothing else)

1 teaspoon of chia seeds

And if you like it more citrusy you can add a little bit of lemon juice, or cilantro and believe me, it tastes amazing.

It's super simple to make and each ingredient have a lot of benefits. I started to switch up artificial supplements for natural alternatives, and this smoothie is great as a mid morning or mid afternoon snack or even for before and after your workout to give your body a nice source of nutrients to prepare or recover from the exercise. 

Lets lay down all the


Its a natural source of weight loss

You increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables

Its full of antioxidants

It increases your energy levels

Helps with metal clarity and focus

Increase your fiber intake 

Helps with skin

Its easy to digest 

For the non-lovers, this green smoothie actually tastes amazing.

I checked with my dad.

Thanks for reading!

