Wellness Wednesday: Carrot Cake Energy Bites


Am I the only one who dies for something sweet in the afternoons? Its almost unbearable, honestly. But after way too many cookies, coffee cakes, double chocolate cupcakes and a crazy amount of vegan donuts to an extend that it wasn't healthy anymore, I decided to do myself a favor and satisfy my sweet tooth with these carrot cake energy bites.

These bites are healthy, sweet, delicious and the most important part, very satisfying. They are made with all the good things, and you will only need one to fill your sugar craves.


So the ingredients for these energy bites are:

1 cup of shredded carrot
1/4 shredded coconut (for decor)
1/2 dates
1 cup of oats
Pumpkin Pie spice
1 tbs of coconut oil.

This is the easiest part, this is why I like this snacks so much! You just need to mix everything together, but the shredded coconut. If you have a food processor this will be easy. However, I mixed everything on my Nutri Bullet and it worked, but it was kind of a hassle. After you have a uniform dough, make little balls with it and roll them over the shredded coconut. Keep refrigerated.

Let me know what you think! These energy bites have the perfect amount of healthy sweetness, texture and flavors, to-die-for.

Find some of my favorites below!

Thanks for reading!
