Tips For Becoming A Morning Person


I know we all want to be a morning person, and it is definitely not the easiest thing in the world. I am not necessarily one, but I am not a night person either, I am in bed by 10. I am just a sleep person, I-like-to sleep. I love to be up early, and get things done because I start to shut down after lunch, but I am not the biggest fan of the waking up process. We are all guilty of hitting snooze more than once in the morning, so it narrows down to creating the habit of waking up, right?. Did you know that to break or create a habit you have to do it consistently for 21 days? I know it sounds too long, but bare with me. Here are a few things that mess up our intentions of walking up early and what we can do to make the whole becoming a morning person actually something attainable.

  • Don't workout late at night. Simple explanation, when we work out we release endorphins, we all know that, thats why we feel better and happier after a good sweaty workout. Another thing that endorphins do is give us energy, so as tired as we might feel after a workout, the last thing we will do is actually go to sleep. If you are working out after work, try to do it as early as you can, so you don't end up going to bed at midnight. Try to workout in the morning instead, so by the end of the day you are ready to go to sleep.
  • Wake up at the same time every day. This goes with the idea of creating a habit. If we set up the same time to wake up every morning, waking up will be less painful because its easier for our body to get use to a routine. Having said this, be realistic. If you are not a morning person and struggles to wake up at 7 in the morning, setting up your alarm the first day at 4 in the morning won't work. I am sorry. 
  • On that note, use a sleep app. Actually resting and sleeping will make the process of waking up way easier, and using a sleep app helps you with that. When we sleep we go through three stages, and its said that if we are woken up while we are deeply asleep, it is harder for us to wake up. I use the Sleep Cycle App, and it basically tracks your movements and sets a most accurate time to wake you up. You can also track how much you're actually sleeping.
  • Spend an hour before bed sans phone. When researching about this, I read that we should cut off electronics before going to bed. The idea of spending an hour before bed without your phone is basically not only because our brains never rest because of the waives electronics are sending all the time, but also that more than one have been up until 2 in the morning scrolling down on instagram, or facebook, or endless group chats, you name it. Read a book instead, or meditate if thats in your practice, something that slows your brain down and help you fall asleep.
  • Last but not least, leave everything ready the night before. This is something I am still working on, but my logic behind this is that, if I don't have to spend extra time getting stuff ready in the morning, I can sleep more and don't have to wake up extra early. It is also about productivity right? Lets put it that way too.

As always, my favorites are linked below!

Thanks for reading!

Lifestyleesther castillejo