Banana Pancakes


I posted this photo on Instagram and was asked to give the recipe! I have to say that I am not a big fan of sweets in the mornings, but when I crave them I need to do something about it. Pancakes for me are the way to go because you can have them the way you want. Last Sunday I had literally nothing in my house but eggs, oats and bananas. 

So, I had to be creative

When you live by yourself its hard to have a mindful diet with all the on and offs of the daily routine. It is easy to get lost on take outs, and easy dinners, or to forget to eat (it happens more often I would like, to be honest.) But then I go to the gym, and the exercises are so hard! And it's my body trying to burn all the junk, and sodium and processed everything that I've eaten, and it's exhausting. And that's it! When you have a super tiring, exhausting, hard work out, it's your body telling you hey, you suck at choosing what to eat.

So a rule of thumb is to always make everything from scratch.

Nothing ready to make, oven ready, just add water type of thing. And don't get me wrong, I am guilty myself to fall off the wagon, but my body never feel as good as when I eat things that are healthy and natural. So these pancakes are packed with all the good things, even if it was just by accident haha.

Here it goes this super simple recipe:

  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup of oats
  • 1/4 almond milk
  • Cinnamon
  • Vanilla extract

Mix everything, you can use a blender, your NutriBullet, a whisk, spoon, anything. Cook batches in a pan previously oiled. (I used canola oil, you can use coconut oil as well) and voilà!

The trick is to change the way you talk to yourself. Instead of saying "I can't have this" switch it for "I prefer to have that". That way you are making it an option you are choosing to take, and not an obligation you have to follow.

Let me know what you think!