How To Master Working From Home


Working from home sounds like the perfect dream, but we can fall into a rabbit hole pretty fast if we don’t do it the right way. So! to stay the most efficient, and work the most effectively, here are some tips on how to work from home like a pro.

  1. Wake up and get ready as if you were heading out. Shower, change clothes (even if you are putting sweatpants again). It helps to feel normal and shifts your mindset to work mode.

  2. Set a schedule and a To Do List of the things you have to do for the day. Set house chores as you would with coffee breaks, or quick lunch pick ups. Otherwise they’d distract you from work during the day. It can be tempting, believe me!

  3. Clean your spaces. We get distracted easily if we have things around us to take care of. Put your clothes away, make your bed and cleanup your areas before your workday starts. That way your mind will have nowhere to wander besides your work screen. A clean space, a clean mind.

  4. Set up a little space in your place for work, even if it is your dining table. Have a designated space so you can work comfortably. A desk is even better, but if your space is limited, dining tables work just fine. Even if we try to convince ourselves it is possible, getting work from the couch is a no-go.

  5. Establish boundaries. A start time and an ending time. Sometimes we get carried away from the flexibility of being at home and suddenly 10pm hits and you are still logged in. Setting a time when you are ending up your work day helps differentiates work from life, just as you would when you leave the office.

  6. Don’t forget to take your breaks. Just as you would when you are in an office space, taking breaks is good to clear your head, stir up ideas and re energize. Take your time to make your coffee, eat away from your computer, and go for a quick walk, even if it’s to take the trash out! This keeps your house still your happy and safe place, and sets a healthy boundary between your home office and your home.

Enjoy the comfort of being at home, stay hydrated and don’t forget to be thankful.

As always, I have included some of my essentials to make working from home easier below.

Thanks for reading!