Closing May

Ok ok, so this month things changed up a bit. I feel I am finding my place and getting the rhythm of things. The Summer time is starting the make its presence, and the extra hours of sun in the day really really make a difference in how I am feeling.

Things start to flourish during this time of the year, including us.

I believe what made a difference was allowing myself to be in the here and now. My nature is to meticulously plan everything, and the constant thought of all the things I needed to do at some point was driving me out of myself completely. Similar to something I heard a while back, “seating with the uncomfortable” and getting familiar with it. I let myself flow with life and see what was right in front of me. Like when riding a bike that you stop pedaling and you cruise around, free.

for the first time in a while I can say I am doing an effort to stay in the present, and enjoying each step of the way.

I am loving the prints and the lighter fabrics of the season, and have done a bit of shopping to lighten up my wardrobe. Surprisingly, I only have a couple of black pieces (I know, shocker). I have been falling in love with blues, greens, and some pinks and oranges here and there. I am still keeping it very neutral, focusing on timeless items I can wear throughout the years.

…and this transition is getting colorful in every aspect of my life.

Enjoying those little moments with my family and furry baby and exploring my creativity in the kitchen again, I am letting the slower pace of life surprise me. I simplified my skincare routine, and discovered amazing products from brands I didn’t know before. I’ve been drinking more water lately (which posed a challenge at the beginning), and my workouts have been a mixture of pilates, yoga and functional training. I found beautiful airy dresses and fascinating books, adding these to a list of things that have made my days feel lighter and fresher (even this new thriller novel I’m reading!).




around the house


No one really talks about the addicting peace that having a slower pace in life really brings, and I am soaking it all in.

As always, thank you for reading! June is going to be exciting, so can’t wait to write the next chapter.

with love,