10 minutes for pampering: Pink Clay Mask Madness

So, I haven't been myself lately

And thats a problem.

I've been feeling weird, and probably is the fact that it's raining all day, every-single-day that doesn't help the cause. But anyways, I had to find ways to light up my sunless days (and mood), obviously. And after a thousands of Pinterest posts, magazine articles, podcasts and self-help blog posts (I'm exaggerating) I found a little corner of happiness: 10 minutes for my one and only self.

These 10 magic minutes are basically a time where I solely dedicate to myself (and sometimes Bacci, I have to admit), but no texting, no Instagram or Snapchat, nothing. I meditate, sing all loud my favorite songs, take deep breaths, or pamper myself. I found that having this time improves my mood and my self development, and setting aside everyday tasks and give my mind and brain a break improves my performance for the rest of the things I need to do. Along with others things such as time blocking, working out and changing my eating habits, I feel less tired, and with an eased mind.

On that, I found the most refreshing and hydrating mask: 

Dr. Jart+ Trans-Foam Clay in Moisturizing Pink.

This korean mask transforms into a gentle foaming cleanser and removes from makeup residuals to oils, detoxifying your skin from the harsh environment. It is formulated with french clay and rose oil which has plenty of benefits including been antibacterial, astringent and cicatrisant. I use it around three times a week, and

my skin is loving it.

Take a 10 minute break out of the ordinary days, you'll see the magic happen.

Thanks for reading!

